In the modern-day workplace, 团体健康福利是一个由多个部分组成的复杂拼图, 人力资源经理也面临着前所未有的挑战——为公司员工制定合适且负担得起的福利计划. 健康保险政策只是雇员福利难题的一小部分.

Due to skyrocketing costs of health coverage, 希望提供慷慨的健康计划的雇主现在必须拼凑各种各样的计划,以尽量减少成本, reduce monthly premiums, 和 help employees cover high, out-of-pocket expenses. 这些类型的计划带来了健康计划的各种缩写,构成了福利难题. 

那么,这些缩写词是什么意思,它们在哪些方面有帮助? 以下是三种健康福利计划,它们通过提供税收减免和费用基金来补贴自付费用. 


灵活支出账户(FSA)允许雇员向基金免税供款, which will reimburse their qualifying expenses. 这些通过工资扣除的FSA缴款完全不包括在收入中. 这意味着雇员不用为他们的捐款支付联邦税、联邦所得税或医疗保险税. 因此,雇主的FICA和Medicare匹配减少了.


健康报销安排(HRA)完全由雇主资助,雇主向雇员提供一笔特定的美元,用于报销合格费用. The employer funds the HRA only when there is a claim, 和 reimbursements are not considered income to the employee. Unclaimed funds remain with the employer; therefore, the healthier its employees, the less HRA funds spent.


Investing in your employer’s 401(k) plan is always a must, 然而, 你的雇主也可能提供另一种储蓄工具,这在计划退休时经常被忽视. 健康储蓄账户(HSA)是实现退休目标的重要组成部分. HSA是一个医疗储蓄账户,与高免赔额健康保险计划(HDHP)配套,由员工管理. 雇员和雇主可以共同向HSA供款—up to the allowed federal maximum amount— 和 the contributions are tax-free.

这些捐款是免税的,账户余额可以随着时间的推移而积累. 投资选择可由HSA银行机构提供. 资金可用于支付账户持有人及其家属的医疗费用. HSA funds can be invested in stocks, 债券, 和 other investment funds to encourage further fund growth, 和 earnings are also tax-free. 此外,HSA中未使用的资金会逐年滚动和增长. HSA属于雇员,如果雇员的雇佣关系结束,HSA也随之结束.

在协调这些计划与你的健康保险选择时,与福利或经纪人专业人士合作是很重要的. 尽管这些计划有助于抵消更高的免赔额和自付费用, provide significant tax savings, 和 aid employees in planning for their medical services, there are several considerations 和 regulations to follow. The pairing 和 coordination of these plans can be tricky, 但它们是为雇主和雇员节省医保和工资税的关键一环.

The HSA remains with the employee upon retirement, 和, 65岁时, the funds in the account may also be spent on non-medical expenses; 然而, 这笔资金将作为非医疗费用的收入征税, but never for qualified medical expenses. HSA基金也可以用于支付医疗保险和长期护理费用.

一个资金充足, 免税HSA账户可以消除使用应纳税的401(k)储蓄用于医疗保健的需要. This can be welcomed relief to many retirees, 因为大多数人希望用他们的退休储蓄来生活和享受. 应该像考虑401(k)计划一样,考虑向可用的HSA长期提供资金.

What Services You Can Utilize Under HSA Funds

The average American spends $5,000 out-of-pocket every year for healthcare costs, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. 下面, 我们列出了八类hsa认可的服务和项目,这些服务和项目可以帮助员工在不确定的时期减轻压力, in an effort to optimize your HSA dollars. We also recommend visiting HealthEquity for a full list of qualified medical expenses set by the IRS.

  1. Telehealth (mental health 和 primary care) – Depending on your mental health provider’s network, services aren’t always covered under the health plans. However, employees can use their HSA dollars to cover them. 此外,远程医疗使得在大流行期间和员工需要时更容易获得医疗服务.
  2. Alternative therapies – HSA dollars can be used for chiropractic visits, 针灸, 按摩疗法,甚至瑜伽——并附上医生的证明,说明这些服务是医学上必需的. Be sure to keep the note in the event your HSA is audited, 你被要求证明是专业医疗人员提出的建议.
  3. 睡眠艾滋病 —许多人现在睡不好觉,因为他们对疫情感到压力很大. You can buy melatonin, 鼻条, a dental guard (for teeth grinding), 和 other sleep aids with your HSA dollars.
  4. 药物和医药 用你的HSA资金购买非处方药,比如退烧药, 过敏药, 抗酸药, 和更多的. Immunizations 和 vaccines can also be covered by HSA dollars.
  5. 个人护理 -很多人都不知道你可以用你的HSA来购买日常个人护理用品. A few examples are Chapstick, 防晒霜, menstrual care products (tampons, 垫, 衬垫, 杯, sponges 和 similar items), menstrual pain relievers, 伟哥, 避孕套, 验孕包, 和 blood pressure monitoring devices.
  6. 宝宝的开销 – Certain items for your baby can be covered by your HSA. These items include diaper rash ointments 和 creams, 吸奶器, obstetrical expenses, lactation consultants, 助产士服务, toothache 和 teething pain relievers, 温度计, 等.
  7. 眼部护理 - HSA所涵盖的眼部护理项目包括激光眼科手术(Lasik), 眼睛检查, 眼镜, 验光师访问, 和 contact lenses (including materials 和 equipment).
  8. 眼镜蛇费用 -针对那些因大流行而失去工作并从COBRA获得医疗福利的人, they can use their HSA dollars to help with these payments.

LBMC雇佣合作伙伴可以帮助您驾驭健康福利计划设计的复杂性, find the right plan coverage, 和 provide FSA 和 HRA administration. 明升体育app下载 today to learn more!